Kamis, 20 November 2014

Explanation Text
Written by : Grace Audina

Have you ever eaten noodles before? If you have, you must be love it. As Indonesian, it can not be denied that we love this food. There are several reasons why Indonesian people love noodles. Some people said because of the flavour or how quick it is cooked, but worse, because of the price. Although Indonesian people love noodles because of their own reasons, on the other side, it also has an effects viewed from the composition and how to cook it. We can say that noodle is yummy food, but not for too much.
Why Indonesian people love noodles? Some people said because of the flavour. Actually, what makes it become so yummy is the seasoning of product itself. MSG ( Mononatrium Glutamat ) is a sense amplifier which is makes noodle become yummy. There are not only MSG, but also salt, dinatrium inosinat, guanilat, sugar, natrium benzoat, vitamins (A, B1, B6, B12, Niasin, Asam Folat, Pantotenat), etc. On the other hand, some people choose noodles because of the price. It costs about Rp. 66.900 – Rp. 140.000/cardboard for cheap noodles. For unlucky people, cheap noodle is the best way to avoid hunger although they know that is unhealthy. But their financial insist them to choose this way.
Is there any effect of eating noodle? If you look carefully on the composition’s list, you will find some unhealty subtances. Methylparaben is one of a danger subtances which is preserve noodles for years. Not only viewed from the composition, but also how to cook. As far as we know, we should separate and replace between boiled water and new fresh warm water. This perception is totally wrong! Prof.Dr.F.G.Winarno, The Ex President of World Codex & The Leader of PIPIMM said that the first boiled water containing vitamins which is dissolved by the boiled noodles. He concluded that if we separate and replace the warm water, the vitamins will be gone.

How to make a yummy noodle? This is how to make a boiled noodles. First, boil a water and put the noodles inside if the water has already boiled. Second, put the seasoning on the bowl and stir until smooth. Third, drain the noodles if it has already mature. The last but not least, stir the noodles and seasoning together to make noodles become yummy and put enough the first boiled water. Your yummy noodles is ready.

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