Rabu, 16 November 2016



To understand Islamic education can not be done simply by looking at a piece of what is found in the reality of Islamic education , but should be seen from the value system on which the paradigm .
 Hasan stated Langgulung very wrong when reviewing only Islamic education from educational institutions that emerged in the history of Islam , from the curriculum , let alone of teaching methods , and release . Islamic ideology issues , ideology or paradigm of Islamic education is a complete picture of the deity , the universe , and of all the people associated with the Islamic educational theory that everything is a unified whole and complete . Thus required an effort to reaffirm the necessary paradigm for developing Islamic education . In the implementation of education as a reciprocal process between educators engage students with educational factors in order to achieve the educational objectives based on certain values ​​. Certain values ​​that is then referred to as the basic paradigm of education . The term basic education paradigm is intended as a foundation footing or foundation establishment of an educational system .
Basic paradigm is identical to the basic Islamic education of Islam itself . Both come from the same source , namely Al - Quran and al - Hadith . From both sources is then emerged a number of ideas about Muslim issues covering various aspects , including the issue of Islamic education . Basic education as Islam Al - Quran and Al - Hadith is a reference to find , create and develop paradigms , concepts , principles , theories , and techniques of Islamic education . Tafseer Ahmad stated that education in Islam is a series of human empowerment process towards maturity , both intellectually , mentally and morally , to carry out the functions carried humanity as a servant of God and as a vicegerent on earth . Because the function of education is to prepare students with the skills and expertise required in order to have the ability and readiness to plunge into the community .
In the history of Islamic civilization trajectory educational role is really able to form a civilization that Islamic civilization was once the leading civilization civilization color throughout the Arabian Peninsula to Eastern Europe . For the existence of an educational paradigm that empowers learners is a necessity . Progress of the Islamic civilization and culture can not be separated from the system and conducted educational paradigm at that time . Awareness of the importance of science and education among Muslims does not appear suddenly , spontaneously or suddenly . This awareness emerged from a long process that began in the early days of Islam ( Muhammad Rasul period . ) At that time Muhammad always instill awareness on the urgency of his companions and science and always encourage Muslims to seek knowledge constantly . This is evidenced by the many traditions that explain the urgency and primacy of science and people who have knowledge . After Muhammad died , his companions and the Muslims in general to continue this mission by instilling awareness of the importance of knowledge to succeeding generations , so that this awareness became flesh among Muslims and reached its peak in the eleventh century until the beginning of the XIII century AD Forerunner of Islamic education began when Umar bin Khatab send officers specifically to different areas of Islam to be a resource person for the Muslim community in the region . They usually live in the mosque and taught about Islam to Muslims through khalaqoh - khalaqoh special majlis to study religion and reviewing discipline and other matters in accordance with what the community needed .
Istitusi modern Islamic education emerged in the late tenth century
 With the establishment of the college ( university ) Al - Azhar in Cairo . In addition to libraries and laboratories equipped by also teaching curriculum already in place that contains the disciplines to be taught to students . The curriculum is the curriculum taught impartial . Makdunya than religious sciences are also taught sciences sepertilogika sense , medicine , geography , mathematics and so on . Istitusi ideal Islamic education at that time the other is Nizamiyah madrasah . This college has been using the school system . Meaning specified time student enrollment , increase test , the final exam schools , fund management itself , complete facilities , selective recruitment of teaching staff , and the provision of scholarships for outstanding students . In addition to the educational institution that has a high capability , in the heyday of Islam , science activities really get serious attention from the government . So that academic freedom can actually be implemented , freedom of speech is really appreciated , academics are always encouraged to continually develop knowledge through discussion forums , the library is always open to the public , even the palace library was open to the public .

ISLAMIC EDUCATION (eclipse period)
But after the fall of Baghdad in 1258 AD , Islamic education has also experienced setbacks . Islamic education paradigm underwent a major change from a progressive paradigm based on the desire to establish the religion of Allah be paradigm than maintaining what already exists . The final goal of education in Islam is the process of self-formation to match students with the nature of existence . It is necessary to establish freedom of movement for each element in the world of education especially for learners to develop themselves and their potential to the fullest . In the glory of Islam , education has been able to perform its role as a forum for the empowerment of learners . But along with the decline of the Islamic world , the Islamic world also participated in educational setbacks .

Picture of the triumph of the Islamic education there are some things that can be used to re- awaken and put the world on the role of Islamic education as well as rearranging the proper Islamic education paradigm from passive to active - defensive - intellectual progre always guided by :
( 1 ) First , put back all education under the frame work of religion . That is, all intellectual activity is always based on religious values ​​, in which the ultimate goal of all activities is the effort to establish the religion of Allah swt bless and seek .
( 2 ) Second , the balance between religious disciplines and intellectual development in the education curriculum .
 One of the main factors of marginalization in education is a tendency to focus more on the development of science non - religious , even refusing studies of non - religious . Therefore , balancing between religious and non- religious material in the Islamic world is a necessity if you want to survive the world of Islamic education in the community again .
( 3 ) Third , it should be given the freedom to do the academic community for the fullest development of science .
 Because during the decline of Islam , created a lot of insulation and prohibited areas for debate and dissent that resulted in the narrow area of ​​intellectual development .

( 4 ) Fourth , Begin tried to implement educational strategies are grounded . That is, the strategy is implemented and adapted to the environmental conditions in which the educational process is implemented . In addition to the materials provided are also adapted to existing circumstances , there is always at least the material can be applied and has relationships with existing factual reality . With this strategy are expected to be able Islamic educational resource really able to face the challenges of the times and sensitive to the environment .
( 5 ) Fifth, the existence of the attention and support of the leaders ( government ) the excavation process and the generation of the world 's Islamic education . Lack of attention and support from the government will speed up the recovery of an active Islamic education peradigma - progressive , which is expected with the Islamic education can be re able to function as a means of empowering people and maturation .



Every learner has his/her own characteristics, depends on the person itself. The characteristics affect the process of learning of the learners. By knowing learner characteristics, a teacher can treat them better and optimaze the learner’s learning process. According to the Index of Learning Styles survey by Barbara Solomon and Richard Felder, there are eight characters of learners as follows :

ü  Learn best by doing
ü  “Let’s try it out and see if it works”
ü  Like group work
ü  Lecture classes are challenging
ü  May have difficulty when they always act before they think
ü  Should try to work and study in groups or with a partner

ü  Like to process information before trying it out
ü  “Let’s think through it first”
ü  Like to work alone
ü  May have trouble getting started if they think too long before acting
ü  When learning new information, should stop periodically and try to apply it in new ways

ü  Like to learn facts
ü  Like to use established methods to solve problems
ü  Resent being ‘thrown curves’ ( ie being tested on something that hasn’t been ‘covered’)
ü  Are patient with detail work and are good at memorizing
ü  Like hands-on work
ü  Like learning things that have a direct connection to the ‘real world’
ü  Should ask for specific examples when task is unclear

ü  Prefer to discover new ideas and connections
ü  Like abstract problems
ü  Prefer to work quickly
ü  Don’t like to memorize or do routine calculations
ü  Should try to discipline themselves to check work to make sure careless mistakes haven’t been made

ü  Remember what they see—timelines, demonstrations, flowcharts
ü  Create timelines for projects, papers, tests
ü  Color code tasks        

ü  Prefer written or spoken instructions
ü  Should write summaries of tasks in own words
ü  Should try to work in groups or with a partner whenever possible

ü  Like to follow steps in learning and in finding solutions
ü  May know a great deal about each step of process, but have a hard time understanding ‘the big picture’
ü  Should try to fill in missed steps by asking instructor or supervisor
ü  Should try to think ahead to end product, even if he/she is not sure what it might be

ü  Tend to learn in large leaps, without necessarily processing all steps
ü  Have many “A-ha!” moments
ü  Sometimes have difficulty explaining how they reach conclusions
ü  Are not detail-oriented
ü  Should find out as much as possible about a new project, task, or topic before tackling assignment

II.                LEARNER NEEDS

Every learner has a various kind of needs when she or he learn a foreign language. The needs will be influence in his/her learning. The needs could be personal needs such as praise to motivate the learner or a needs to play, learning needs such as a need to become more fluent, or professional needs such as a needs to have a good English to be going to study at an English-medium university. The table bellow will be contain of the kind of learners.
Kind of needs
Reason for needs
Personal needs
e.g. Security, challenge, support, praise, movement, goals, learning expectations, other psychological or physical needs
Cultural background
Educational background
Learning needs
e.g. Specific ways of learning, specific target language, specific language subskills, exam strategies, learner autonomy, working at a suitable level
Learning styles
Past language learning experience
Learning gap (gap between the learner’s present level and the target level of language proficiency)
Learning goals and expectations for the course
Level of skill and knowledge
Availability of time
(Future) professional needs
e.g. Specific subskills, specific vocabulary and grammar, specific functions, specific types.
Professional language requirements for employment, training or education

Learners at primary or secondary level may have personal needs such as praise and playing. In their age, they still feel happy to be praised with everything they do. It also could motivate them to do good stuff. They also like to play around with their friends to get an experience. Adults or older teenagers usually will have professional or academic needs. For example they will need it to prepare their university entrance exam or  older learners who may be going to study at an English-medium university. And the other older learners who need it to get a specific job or to start new job duties.
To meet a learners in school, the teachers can find out through observation, questionnaires or through discussing them with students in the class. Learner needs can affect many things related to their learning, in example which methods or approaches they like the teacher to use, what topics interest them, what language and skill they have to focus on, and what materials they prefer. And to face the learner needs, the school should provide different kind of courses such as activity-based courses for younger learners, medical English for doctors, study skill courses for learners wishing to go to an English-medium school or university, etc.


What are the difference between L1 and L2 Learning?

In according Lynne Cameron (Language Learning Library,Cambridge, p.12), ”when we learn our first language we are likely to learn it in different way and difference contexts from we learn  a second language. And think about the  learne’s age , ways of learning and context they are learning in”.

1.      L1 Learning
a.       Age is from learning stars from baby and continue through childhood.
b.      Babies learn language at the same time as their cognitive skills
c.       Learners are motivated to learn language as they need to communicate.
2.      L2 Learning
a.       Starts in primary or secondary school. It may also start and continue in adulthood.
b.      Learners may be still developing or have developed their cognitive skills.
c.       Adult learners may already have expectations about how languages should be learned. Based on past experiences of learning, some may or may not be motivated to learn the language.
It means that context of learning,
L1 learning is we can  exposure and picking up language, hearing the language all the time, and needing to communicate. And through interaction with family. Then, Have lots of opportunities to experiment with language. On the other hand, Bet lots of praise and encouragement for using the language.
For L2 Learning is through being taught specific language items. Often by focusing on structures and individual words. Learners are not exposed to the L2 very much - often only in class (3-4 hours a week). Teachers have vary the amount of praise or encouragement. And for learner may receive little or no individual attention. In addition, learners are often asked to produce correct language and are corrected by teachers.

Differences between L1 and L2 learning?
In according from Diane Larsen-Freeman from book (In Language teaching as a Second Language, Oxford), L1 and L2 is actually we can learn our first language as a baby and as a young child and continue to build our language as we grow older and learn different kinds of language and language skills.
According to   Diane Larsen-Freeman,  we are talking about L1 is from the babies and children are surrounded by their first language. They hear and see their families, friends and strangers talking and interacting with each other and friends and family interact with them. Children are constantly provided with opportunities to use the language and to experiment with the language as they are learning it and they receive constant praise and encouragement for their efforts. Parents encourage and persuade their children to talk by simplifying their own language and directing simple questions and requesting simple responses. When children’s language is inaccurate, adults very rarely correct them or make them repeat accurate forms and they will, more often than not, respond to the utterance in anatural way.
Babies and children learn language by ‘acquiring’ it through exposure and by picking it up. They are generally highly motivated to learn their first language because they have a great need and desire to communicate with others around them. They hear and see friends and family communicating with each other and they will listen and take in this language and process it during a ‘silent period’, possibly lasting many months, before using language themselves. When children start using language the language they use will be about things they see around them and they will play and experiment with new language. They learn through this experimentation and through interaction with family and friends.
And then, most people learn their second language at school in a classroom. Some start at primary school or secondary school and their learning might continue in later life. Some people begin second language learning as adults and attend lessons along with the other things they do in their lives.
In my point of view about L2 is Second language learners do not usually hear or read more than three or four hours a week of the second language, so they do not have much exposure to the language. The exposure they do get is generally in the classroom, where they will hear recordings and read texts and will have the teacher to listen to. Teachers often simplify their language so are not necessarily a source of additional exposure to language and they usually correct students frequently. In class, the opportunities for second language learners to use the language vary, as does the amount of praise and encouragement provided by the teacher and other learners.
Second language learners, like L1 learners, do learn language by ‘acquiring’ it through exposure but they are more likely to learn language in a classroom and the language they learn is selected by teachers. They learn by interacting with the teacher and with other learners and by using language in controlled practice activities. In the classroom, learners often want to produce the language as soon as possible and do not always welcome the opportunity of a silent period. They use language for talking about experiences and things relating to their lives outside the classroom. Learning is often dependent on motivation and this can vary in second language learners, from learners having little or no motivation to learners being very highly motivated.

The point of view from two according we have get result or resume  in learning for students about L1 and L2.
According to Lynne Cameron and Diane Larsen-Freeman. They have same argument about difference between L1 and L2.
Keep motivation  learning is necessary for successful language learning, but learners may not be very motivated so teachers can make use of strategies to motivate their students. Remember, learners are different from one another so we should try to personalize our teaching learning to match their learning needs and preferences.Some learners may find a silent period useful, but some learners, especially adults, may not. And exposure to language is important for learning. We can encourage learners to use English as much as possible in and out-of-class time.
We can Interaction is a way of learningand we can try to simplify our language to a level that learners can learn from and avoid correcting them too much. They need to build up their fluency, motivation and confidence. In the classroom, praising learners can be very motivating. younger learners respond well to praise. We can also try to give learners as much individual attention as possible.

IV.             CONCLUSION
All learners have their own characteristics how they learn or getting knowledge. Based on the explanation above, learners are divided into severah characters. And also learner needs is different for each other. Learners characteristics and needs affect the process of getting knowledge.
In learning L1 and L2, there are several differences that explained in the explanation above. How a learner learn L1 and learn L2 are totally different, start from the beginning until the result. L2 will never as perfecly as learning L1.


Topic : The Sound of Animal
Method : Direct Method
Skill : Speaking and Reading
Objectives : Students are able to know and memorize the sound of animal.
Activity :
Introduction Activity
1)      Teacher greets students and asks them to pray together led by the captain.
2)      Teacher asks students’s feeling of today.
3)      Teacher asks students to turn off or silent all gadgets (mobile phone, mp3, laptop, etc.)
4)      Teacher asks students whether they are ready to learn.
5)      Teacher asks about it randomly to make sure.
Main Activity
1)      Teacher tells a story about him/herself. He/she woke up this morning several times because of animal’s sounds.
2)      Teacher gives the example of the sounds.
3)      Teacher asks to the students what animal are in their houses and ask students to give the example of the sounds.
4)      Teacher shows animal’s pictures and ask them to give the example of the sound.
5)      Teacher shows a video.
6)      Teacher asks about the video to several students.
7)      Teacher gives a paper contain a story with several blanks and ask student one by one to stand up and read it. The rest are asked to give the sound when the name of animal is mentioned.
8)      Teacher gives an applause for every student.
Closing Activity
1)      Teacher asks students what they have learned today.
2)      Teacher asks students’s feeling of today after learning and playing a game.
3)      Teacher asks students to pray together led by the captain.

4)      Teacher thanks to students.